(855) 385-8296

Dimensional Inspection

Compare parts to their original CAD

Get a report in as little as 48 hours!

How does dimensional inspection with 3D scanning work?

1. 3D Scan

Once we receive your parts, we’ll scan them with our high-resolution 3D scanners.

2. CAD Overlay

After your parts are scanned, we’ll align them with your original design in our analysis software.

3. Inspection

We then perform the dimensional inspection, generating a deviation map and callouts for critical dimensions.

4. PDF Report

Finally, we will generate a custom PDF report listing all of the data we’ve gathered.

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What are the applications?

First Article Inspection

We can help you get the data you need to meet your FAI requirements. Send us your production prototypes and we’ll generate a data-rich report comparing them to your original CAD.

Production Sampling

By regularly analyzing a sample of production parts, you can ensure the quality of your current parts and identify any trends before they become a problem.

Multi-Cavity Part Inspection

We can 3D scan parts from each cavity of your mold and compare them to the original CAD, ensuring that parts from each cavity are within spec.

Mold Wear Analysis

We can 3D scan your molds or other tooling and compare the 3D scan to the original design and identify any areas that may have become worn and need repair.

Which 3D Printing Technology is Right for You?

Part-to-CAD Comparison

We can overlay a 3D scan of your production part onto the original CAD and identify and deviations caused by production errors.

Part-to-Part Comparison

We can compare 3D scans of identical production parts. Ideal for applications such as multi-cavity molds.

Tooling Inspection

We can compare 3D scans of identical production parts. Ideal for applications such as multi-cavity molds.

What types of analysis can be performed?

Deviation Map

By aligning 3D scans of your production parts with your original CAD we can generate a heat map showing deviation between the two.

Point Inspection

For a more in-depth analysis of your part, we can measure the deviation at any number of discrete points.

2D Planar Profile

For extrusions and other symmetrical parts, we can also perform an analysis on any 2D cross-section of your design.

What are the deliverables?

The data generated by our dimensional inspection services is delivered in a comprehensive, customizable PDF report. With a PDF, you can easily disseminate information to colleagues or include the report as an addendum to your own internal documentation. Click the button below to see an example report.